Virtual Insanity

Recommendation: Over 18.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pavement art.

Some very impressive art.

And how he does it...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Even big girls can shake it...

I'm an avid fan of bellydancing and one day, I'll quit trying to learn it by myself and take proper lessons. I've seen hours of belly dancing on youtube, but I think this girl takes the cake. You never see 'larger' girls dancing, but this girl proves she can do it and imo, better than many others I've seen that are half her size with nothing to shake. lol

And who said guys don't dance just as good? This may look a little weird, but appearantly, he's something of an Egyptian prodigy.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

You will do as I say...

You are getting sleepy...
Your eyes are getting heavier...
And heavier...
And you are feeling a calm come over your body...
You are getting very sleepy...
You will do as I say...
You will come to my house 3 times a day and wash my dishes...
You will do my grocery shopping every other day...
You will buy me a new summer wardrobe on your credit card...
And 6 pairs of new shoes...
You will guard my pc when I am not using it...
You will get down on all fours and pant like a dog, because I don't have (or want)a real one...
You will pretend that I update my blog everyday and you will compliment me on those non existant entries...
You will kick my husband in the nuts when he annoys me...
You will make sure I take my daily dosage of zyprexa...

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