Virtual Insanity

Recommendation: Over 18.

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 - 5 years later.

Almost 3,000 people died that day. And 5 years later, we're no closer to peace.

Did Osama do it? Did the FBI/US government do it? All this means nothing because right now, we're exactly where they both want to be. At war. It won't be the first war that's ever been faught and it won't be the last.

But what chills my blood is the overnight massive rise in global hatred towards Muslims. And it WAS overnight. I saw it with my own eyes.

As I sat there waiting for CNN to bring some Muslim Cleric with a Qu'ran in his hands, furious at how people who call themselves muslims dare speak for millions of law abiding, tolerant muslims when they say God wants them to bring death to the west... it never came.

Some sporadic voices condemned the attacks, like our local Imam, but nothing as big as the Danish Cartoon saga. And as far as I see it, both events are an offence to every muslim!

9-11 just opened a new window of opportunity for further global unrest.
That is why I feel a small tinge of hope when I stumble on websites such as this one.

"Kamal (President of the Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism) is proud to be a Muslim and is not afraid to challenge the
shortcomings of other Muslims."

"Other Americans have spoken up against terrorism, but never before has this
message come with such clarity from Muslims and Arabs. Muslims are the only
who can resolve the problem of terror in Islam."

Please, take the time to go through this website. It truly is a breath of fresh air. At least, 9/11 of 2006 has brought this site to me.


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